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February 6, 2018 Accidental DDoS attacks by spammers, political sabotage and the owners of DDoS botnets attempting to make money from Bitcoin – these are just some of the trends analyzed in Kaspersky Lab's fourth quarter report for 2017 based on data from Kaspersky...
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February 1, 2018Small and medium-sized businesses are still on a cloud adoption journey and for the majority of them, embracing a cloud-based email service is the first checkpoint along the way.
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January 4, 2018One of the fastest growing types of threat among the multitude targeting industrial organizations in 2017 was targeted attacks.
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December 12, 2017As we enter a boom period for online shopping, consumers could find themselves faced with an unexpected bill this Christmas, if their trusted devices become compromised.
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December 7, 2017Half of parents think that online threats to their children are increasing and one-in-three feel that they do not have any control over what their children see or do online.
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November 29, 2017Newly patented technology using machine learning will support businesses fighting advanced threats, by discovering lateral movement in corporate networks – even through encrypted traffic
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November 27, 2017Choose gifts wisely while shopping this Cyber Monday
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November 23, 2017Cyberspace is flooded with commercial spyware tools for the Android OS, available for just a few dollars each.
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November 22, 2017Kaspersky Lab’s futurological site makes it easier than ever for people around the world to share their predictions for the future - and invites users to vote for the best
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November 20, 2017 The saying goes ‘don’t mix business with pleasure’, but research from Kaspersky Lab reveals business owners and employees could be unwittingly putting their companies at risk, with many of them using work devices to keep up their dating habits, or...
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November 13, 2017Online voting appeals to many aspects of modern society – such as geographically spread communities, or progressive universities wanting to hear their students’ voices.
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November 9, 2017Kaspersky Lab presents Kaspersky Threat Hunting, a new suite of services designed to enhance the efficiency of protecting against targeted attacks.
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November 8, 201746% of businesses admit that they don’t know enough about the IT security threats targeting them, and it comes of no surprise that they are concerned about becoming cyberattack victims as a result.
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November 7, 2017Online Dating Users Bare All, Shows Kaspersky Lab Survey
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November 6, 2017Kaspersky Lab has published its DDoS Intelligence report for the third quarter of 2017.
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October 25, 2017By using tools that are freely available on the Internet, anyone can view the online activity of people connected to unsecured Wi-Fi access points, including their private correspondence, transferred files, financial data and much more.
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October 24, 2017 Kaspersky Lab researchers have discovered a range of vulnerabilities contained in popular dating apps which have the potential to result in various negative consequences for users: from simply identifying a particular person, to unsecured data...
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October 10, 2017Despite around one-in-three people using online dating services and apps, not everyone enjoys a positive experience.
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October 9, 2017Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are on the rise, with over a third (33%) of organisations facing a DDoS attack in 2017 – compared to 17% in 2016.
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September 21, 2017By introducing a comprehensive EDR solution, Kaspersky Lab helps companies to establish next generation incident response process.
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September 19, 2017While more companies are investing in cybersecurity regardless of ROI (63% in 2017 compared to 56% in 2016), a new study from Kaspersky Lab and B2B International has found that the average cost of a cybersecurity incident is growing.
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September 13, 2017 Frankfurt, September 13, 2017 – In response to the rising cybersecurity challenges facing the connected and autonomous car industry, Kaspersky Lab and AVL Software and Functions GmbH have unveiled the Secure Communication Unit (SCU) at New Mobility...
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September 5, 2017 Kaspersky Lab is introducing its next generation of Kaspersky Private Security Network, a private version of Kaspersky Security Network that allows enterprises to boost their detection speed with access to real-time global threat intelligence from...
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August 23, 2017Kaspersky Lab has released a beta version of its solution for the "smart" home and the Internet of Things - Kaspersky IoT Scanner.
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